

One of the most overlooked parts in an environment is the cyber security. Yes, everyone has an antivirus and multiple products that deter an attacker, but what else is overlooked?

From the multiple vulnerability scans we had in our environments, we discovered that every device has a number of flaws that need to be remedied. These vulnerabilities come in a lot of forms and shapes but by having to mitigate these issues over and over, we created a procedure list that applies generally over the board.

During our interactions with other vendors and suppliers, we have noticed that a lot of these issues are not addressed and simply overlooked. The most common excuses were time, money, and complexity.

At DCX, this would be the first step we would address as part of an onboarding procedure. Based on your current systems and future goals, we can implement the best design and security that would not affect day-to-day operations.

Another approach we have towards cyber security is end-user training. We have worked with certain agencies that specialize in user training and have been very successful in helping the users understand and avoid risks like phishing and social engineering.

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